Tuesday, April 14, 2009

This is my composite image. I first decided that I will add Scott to the photo because  I mainly took pictures of him. So I added him and then I decided to make it weird and add a weird shadow of himself taking a picture of himself. I then  upped the contrast in everything I also added a little shadows and exposure then lowered the brightness. I liked the photo and this is my image.   

1 comment:

btwitch said...

Nice editing. The shadow seems out of place though. There is real soft light all around, especially on Scott, yet the shadow has really sharp edges that would indicate harsh light on Scott. Aside form that, I really like it. Now, start pushing yourself to get more than one image up a week. Quite playing games on the computer and get one up a day. You have skills man, push yourself. You have to want to be better, so do it. Look at other photographers' work and try to emulate it, but put your own style on it. Take photos every day.